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Online English and French Tuition

I have just finished a postgraduate degree at the University of York, specialising in postcolonial literature. This degree gave me a detailed background in literature, politics and history, but I have also studied French to a very high level. I have a passion for all of the subjects I teach, and aim to pass this enthusiasm onto my students.

Tutoring Experience

I have experience working as a mentor and tutor to gifted children, as well as those with special educational needs. As well as actually working as a tutor, from the age of eighteen I organised study groups informally, as a means of giving some of the children I knew who'd fallen behind in school an extra boost of assistance to help get them back on track. I have supported students, helping with homework and coursework through exams, as well as mentoring pastorally at my University and in my choral societies.

Tutoring Approach

I think it's important to share enthusiasm and passion with those I tutor. It's a careful balance between covering all of the important, nuanced and intricate details of the curriculum, and making sure that students love literature, enjoy what they're doing, and realise that learning is not necessarily purely an uphill slog! I try to find individual methods for the variety of learning styles I encounter, but generally my approach to tutoring involves a short period of instruction - working through technique, vocabulary and grammar rules - and then a longer period of application, allowing the student to work through the techniques which have just been learned in a variety of creative and exciting ways.

LanguagesEnglish (British), French
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of York2013MastersMA in Cultures of Empire, Resistance and Postcoloniality
University of York2011BachelorsBA(Hons) in English and Related Literature
Alliance Française de Paris2016OtherDALF C1 in French
Rating from 3 references


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