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Online French and Spanish Tuition

Hello, my name is Maria and I am a professional teacher of languages.
I am originally from Slovakia and I studied to be a teacher of languages at university in Manchester, UK.
Apart from my interest in languages and cultures, I like travelling, hiking and a little bit of gardening. I also like trying different foods and dishes from different countries.

Tutoring Experience

I have five years of teaching experience. I have Bachelor degree in Italian and TESOL and I have a PGCE (Post Graduate Certificate in Education) with specialisation in MFL (modern Foreign Languages). Currently I teach French and Spanish in a British high school setting and I also work for a Slovak Community School in Manchester as a teacher of Slovak Language.

Tutoring Approach

I use various methods and approaches depending on age, level and ability of my students. I tailor activities to the students' needs and their goals. I like to be creative! I believe communicative approach is the most natural way of learning languages and through experience. Understanding that online learning can be somewhat limiting, I try to make it as engaging as possible. And I also believe in magic of homework!

References Available On File


Manchester Metropolitan University2019PGCEPGCE - MFL
Manchester Metropolitan University2016BachelorsBA Hons Italian & TESOL
Rating from 2 references


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