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Online Tuition for French and Italian

Qualified French and Italian Tutor and author of French textbooks used in many British schools. I am a French national from Paris and I came to London 30 years ago. I have been teaching since and writing my own method of learning French with memory tricks (recognised and recommended by the Times Educational Supplement).
I have plenty of experience with students preparing for exams such as Common Entrance, GCSE, IGCSE, A level, IB and at University level. I also teach adults.

I have been described as a friendly, warm and enthusiastic person who gets the best out of my students thanks to my unique approach. Please contact me for further information regarding my availability.

Tutoring Experience

I have tutored students from a variety of schools: Wimbledon High School, St Paul's school, Sutton High School, Surbiton High School, Donhead Preparatory School, Marymount International School, Rokeby, Willington, Ricards Lodge High School, Kings College, Wesminster School.
I have taught Italian to GCSE students for two years at Wimbledon High School.
I have taught French and Italian in companies including Goldman Sachs, Sony, Ubisoft and ICL
I have established a new French club for primary children at Park Community School in Morden.
I have been an examiner for the Baccalaureate in France.
I have been a Teacher Trainer for primary and secondary teachers.

Tutoring Approach

I provide excellent exam techniques that help students to become confident at their exam (many boards including Edexcel and AQA) to be able to aim for the highest marks.
I believe anyone can be fluent in a foreign language if the language is presented logically and with memory tricks and idea associations. Let me give you some
- cacher means to hide (Memory trick: imagine you hide your cash and cash reminds us of cacher).
- cher = expensive (Memory trick: when something is expensive we want to share the expense).

LanguagesFrench, Italian
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Sorbonne University Paris1988MastersCertificat d'Etudes Superieures
Sorbonne University Paris1987BachelorsLicence Langues Vivantes Etrangeres in Italian language
Sorbonne University Paris1985OtherDiplome d'Etudes Universitaires Generales in Italian
Lycee Jean Jaures Paris1983SchoolBaccalaureat

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