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Maths and Physics Lessons in Bath

I recently graduated with a First Class degree from King's College London having read BSc Economics. In school, I constantly performed well in numerical subjects (predominantly Maths and Physics), alongside foreign languages (specifically German) due to my multilingual background (English, German, Lithuanian, and Russian).
My hobbies include sports particularly boxing, football, and running. Additionally, I enjoy a good book, where I currently am re-reading Dune.

Tutoring Experience

I am new to teaching but I believe to be very pragmatic where I can see what it is students require and having been in that position myself only a few years ago, I can mimic the style of good teachers from my time in school.
I have a younger sister in Year 10 whom I regularly help with difficult maths questions, so I am picking up teaching practice regularly at home.

Tutoring Approach

Best way to get better at concrete sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Maths) is to do practice questions and review them. This approach will help me identify the areas that need improvement but also teaches the student exam technique. You might have heard the saying practice makes perfect, but I would like to disagree and rephrase it as practice makes persistent. Practice only makes perfect, if the practice is done under the right tutelage which is what I'll be hoping to offer.
Best ways to get better at foreign languages is to simply speak them. When people move to other countries they pick up the local language within months due to simply hearing it constantly and being forced to converse in it, despite their highly likely poor prior knowledge. So my offer is lessons held entirely in the language that the student is studying.
I will also be looking to implement homework which will be graded. This way I further identify areas for improvement and will help me monitor the student's progress.

LanguagesEnglish (British), German, Lithuanian, Russian
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available Not On File


King's College London2024BachelorsBSc Economics
Ralph Allen School2020CollegeA* German (A-Level)
Ralph Allen School2021CollegeA* Maths (A-Level)
Ralph Allen School2021CollegeA Physics (A-Level)
Ralph Allen School2018School9 German (GCSE)
Ralph Allen School2019School9 Maths (GCSE)
Ralph Allen School2019School9 Physics (GCSE)
Ralph Allen School2019School8 English Literature (GCSE)
Ralph Allen School2018School7 Biology (GCSE)
Ralph Allen School2019School7 Chemistry (GCSE)
Ralph Allen School2019School7 French (GCSE)
Rating from 1 reference


Subjects taught
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