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Online Physics and Chemistry Lessons

Experienced Biology and Science Teacher, currently Lead Practitioner in Science.

Tutoring Experience

I have been tutoring for 8+ years and teaching for approximately 6 years.
I have a proven track record as a teacher of raising outcomes for students regardless of their prior attainment and have secured excellent progress scores for my pupils through identifying their needs.
I can effectively teach biology, chemistry and physics up to GCSE and A Level Biology.
I have taught both AQA and Edexcel sciences and I am familiar with both exam specifications.

Tutoring Approach

My teaching style involves both me and the student identifying areas which need to be addressed and identifying why they may be struggling with the subject. For students who do want to be stretched and challenged, I can provide support and guidance to move them to the next level.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


University of East London2014BachelorsBSc Biomedical Sciences
University of East London2015PGCEPGCE Secondary Science: Biology
Rating from 2 references


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