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I am a qualified secondary school teacher and a Ph.D. candidate at one of the top philosophy department in the UK. I have 9 years of tutoring experience in addition to 10 years of secondary school experience in a school rated as outstanding and 2 years of teaching experience at a Russell group university.
I am open to helping students in a wide variety of subjects but my main specialty lies in Philosophy and Religious Studies. I had great success with helping students achieve high results in A-levels (A*) and University (First Class degree).
My hold a very good personal academic record, with a degree from the University of London, MphilStud from King’s College London. As mentioned above, in addition to my teaching I am working on my Ph.D. research at the University of Essex on the topic of philosophy of religion. I presented my research at a number of international conferences and received a publication from Oxford Publishers.
I am currently based in Harrow and teach in London, and I am open for tutoring on weekends and in the evenings during the week. I am open towards tutoring online and I do have experience in teaching over Skype.

Tutoring Experience

As a professional teacher, I worked with a wide range of students from different backgrounds and with different abilities. I have experience as an examiner for both GCSE and A level with one of the leading exam boards in the UK. As a private tutor, I worked with A level students as well as university students studying philosophy at a respectable UK university. I have experience as an examiner at King’s College London where I was responsible for assessing philosophy students across all three years.

Tutoring Approach

My teaching focus on playing to academic strengths of my students. I focus on promoting rigorous understanding of the subject and ability to apply knowledge in a variety of contexts. My lessons are based on dialogue and are engaging and challenging. I offer detailed feedback on written work and dedicate considerable effort to challenge my students to reach the heights of their potential.

LanguagesPolish, English (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


King's College London2014MastersMPhilStud in Philosophy
Heythrop College, University of London2011BachelorsBA in Philosophy
King's College London2015PGCEPGCE in Religious Education

Mateusz's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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