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I offer one-to-one tuition in maths, biology, chemistry. One-to-one tutoring is a great way for students to become more confident in their subject, and to ask all those questions they don’t ask in class. My graduate degree is in chemistry, while I also have a doctorate in medical molecular genetics and a teaching qualification.

Tutoring Experience

I have twelve years’ experience as a tutor and have tutored over 200 students in maths, chemistry and biology, including home-schooled students and students who self-study. I am experienced in tutoring the entire content of the various exam boards. I tutor maths at various levels, from Functional Skills to GCSE, and chemistry and biology at GCSE and A-level. I am comforable with the whole syllabus and, in particular, with the mathematics of chemistry and biology and the biology topic of genetics and biotechnology. Human biology is a particular interest of mine.

Tutoring Approach

My approach to tutoring is different for every student because every student requires support with different sections of the curriculum. Students studying for an exam may need help with subject content or exam technique, or both, while students who are not in exam years may need support with topics addressed in class. I plan the tutoring sessions around those needs and always with the individual student in mind, which is why the sessions are different for every student. I very much value input from the student with regard to areas of difficulty and learning style so that together we can get the most out of our time. I offer in-person and online tuition.

For the 2024-25 academic year, I still have availability on Tuesday at 7.30pm, in person or online and on Friday 5-6pm online. For home-schooled students and those self-studying, I am available during the day.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Dutch
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University College Lincoln2010PGCEQualified Teacher Status
University of Leicester1996DoctorateDoctor of Philosophy
University of Nijmegen1993BachelorsDegree in chemistry

Monique's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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