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I always wanted to teach. But at first, I was too lazy. I'd been privately educated and, as a youngest son, maybe a little spoilt. I liked shortcuts. I loved books and films and music and sports. But I wasn't a huge fan of hard work. So even before my first day as a teacher, I changed careers and went into advertising.

For ten years, I lived that life: I was a Creative Director at a global advertising agency, writing campaigns for brands around the world. As entertaining as it was, it didn't satisfy my soul like teaching would. Eventually I realised: do what you love. And do it well.

I started teaching ten years ago, and although it is very hard work indeed, I have loved every single minute. I do what I love.

Outside of teaching I write a fair bit, speak French and some German, am fascinated by football, and love proper movies. I have two small children and live in Hackney, London.

Tutoring Experience

I've spent the last 10 years teaching at one of the best non-selective schools in the country. As an 'outstanding' teacher of A-Level and GCSE English, I enabled countless students to make enormous progress and get to the universities of their choice, from Russell Group to Oxbridge. I also trained other teachers to make their lessons more rigorous but also more engaging for students. Recently I started teaching in primary, too, to help me understand why so many children struggle to read and write. It's been enlightening.
All the tutoring I have done (until 2018) has been within a school setting, taking small groups or individuals out and improving their understanding of a text/skill, and improving their capacity to reflect their ideas in writing. I have now resigned from my school and am moving into more regular tutoring.

Tutoring Approach

Learning should be fun. So my approach depends on the student: l try to connect the subject with my students' interests and personalities. if I can't, I make the discovery as entertaining and intriguing as possible. I ask, more than I tell, and help the student to find the confidence to find and express their own opinions.
Having said all that, nothing feels as good as mastering something you couldn't do before. Sometimes, I make my students happy just by making sure this happens, even with 'boring' things like grammar and essay structure.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of East London2009QTSGraduate Teacher Programme
University of St Andrews1999MastersInternational Relations and History
Winchester College1995SchoolEnglish A Level (A)
Winchester College1995SchoolGerman A Level (A)
Rating from 2 references


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