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Hi, I'm Nazihah and I'm going to be pursuing a BSc in Politics & International Relations at UCL. I believe that education is pivotal for societal progression and want to try my best to help students achieve their academic goals to be the educated members of society.

Tutoring Experience

I've mentored and tutored students during sixth- form from GCSE to A-levels, not only helping them in individual subjects but also aiding them through University applications. I've also volunteered to create free packs for students based on their individual needs, which have helped students jump the grade ladder.

Tutoring Approach

As a student who has recently finished their A-levels and GCSEs not too long ago, I know what it takes to secure a good grade. As society progresses I believe in working hard but also smart, hence why I will ensure that we use every resource available and will follow the technique proven to help students (exam practice). Especially for A-level subjects such as Psychology and RS writing essays are so important and so is feedback. Whilst exam practice is the centre of my approach, so is helping you find the best revision techniques for yourself to develop and maintain success!

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Rating from 2 references


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