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Online Law and Entrance Exams Teacher

I am a visiting lecturer at the University of Law in London with over 10 years' experience in providing expert education and career advice. I am a UK qualified solicitor (not currently practising) with five years' experience at an international law firm based in London. I help with personal statements and interview preparation for entry into UK/ European universities, assistance with CVs, cover letters and interview preparation for English-speaking companies. I also help with vacation scheme and legal training contract applications for UK/US law firms. Lastly, I teach Law at A-level, university level, LPC/SQE and PSC modules and criminology/ criminal justice. I obtained a First Class Honours MSc in Comparative Criminal Justice at Leiden University and a Law LLB with European Legal Studies from King's College London.

Tutoring Experience

I am passionate about helping students meet their academic and professional goals through offering application assistance and interview preparation for leading global universities and companies. Over the last 10 years, I have helped young individuals secure places at top educational institutions and employment at UK and US companies. I have also tutored many students across the globe in law and psychology subjects and they have obtained top grades.

Tutoring Approach

My objective is to instil enthusiasm and confidence in my students by teaching in an enjoyable way. I am very approachable, patient and I am a good listener. As no two students are the same, each requires a tailored and thorough approach. The key therefore is to identify a student's strengths and communicate in a way that the student would most benefit from. By building a strong rapport with each individual student, they look forward to their sessions with me and benefit most from the experience.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Greek, Spanish
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Law2015MastersLegal Practitioner's Course and Msc
King's College London2014BachelorsLLB with European Legal Studies
University of Leiden 2021MastersMSc in Comparative Criminal Justice

Nicola's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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