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Teaching business is not just a job, it is my passion! I inspire my pupils to go beyond whatever targets they have been given and have a positive mindset! Looking at real life businesses is so important as it allows students to demonstrate application and context when answering exam questions. My aim is to make a difference to the grades of the students I teach!

Tutoring Experience

I have been in education for 27years, teaching GCSE and A level Business Studies. I have been Head of Business and Economics at a 11-18 high school for 5 years. Previously, I have taught in both colleges and high schools. I am an examiner for OCR GCSE Business.

Tutoring Approach

Always be positive with my pupils- you can do it! Teaching and learning in business should be interactive and not just from a text book! Exam skills are key to a students success, once they have acquired the necessary knowledge! I focus on different assessment objectives which students need to know when answering exam questions. I am driven to make sure pupils in my care are successful! Open and honest approach!

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Bolton university 1997BachelorsB.A Hons in Business Studies
Edge Hill University1998PGCECertificate in Education

Paula's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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