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I am a highly-qualified professional tutor, with a strong track record of helping students at all levels to succeed. Whatever your situation, I will do my best to help you meet your own learning needs.

Tutoring Experience

I have been teaching for more than 20 years, mainly working with 'A' level and University students. This included teaching on Economics and Accounting undergraduate courses at LSE and Kings College, London.

As well as working for several years in finance, my relevant work experience includes preparation of study materials at Kaplan Financial and 12 years as a professional economist at the Bank of England. During my time at the Bank, I was one of the judges for the Target Two Point Zero Interest Rate Challenge for Schools.

I have been working as a private tutor from home for several years, and more recently I have also been teaching Economics at St Martins School, Solihull.

Tutoring Approach

I work with all levels of students, some who are aiming for top grades and others who just want to make sure that they do the best that they can. Whatever your situation, I can help you to build up and extend your knowledge and understanding, boost your confidence and prepare effectively for your exams.

I believe that the success of personal tutoring relies heavily on tutor-tutee rapport, so it is important for me to achieve a positive relationship with my students. I have a helpful, supportive approach and aim to be personable but professional at all times.

With my professional background and extensive teaching experience, I can provide you with the best in tutorial support for your studies.

LanguagesEnglish (British), French
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


London School of Economics1986BachelorsBSC (Econ)
Institute of Chartered Accountants1990ProfessionalACA
London School of Economics1991MastersMSc(Econ)
Rating from 2 references


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