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Online Maths and English Tutor

Hi I'm a friendly, creative person with a positive outlook. I have taught for twenty years across a range of settings, both nationally and internationally.

Although I have predominantly taught primary aged children throughout my career, I have also taught and tutored teenagers and adults in English. I love art and attempt to create from time to time myself. I am also a certified and licensed Rapid Transformational Therapist ad Coach.

Tutoring Experience

Throughout my teaching and tutoring career, I have accumulated an array of skills, knowledge and experience.

Over the years, I have successfully taught children with a range of abilities. I am both confident and competent in teaching the breadth of the National Curriculum subjects and adapting them to suit the needs of the child I am teaching.

Tutoring Approach

Whilst teaching, I always take the time to clearly and carefully explain concepts and methods. And I set clear and high expectations of students.

The lessons I deliver are well planned and differentiated. Learning is always matched to the students’ individual needs and different learning styles. It is also in harmony with the school’s curriculum.

I use a variety of techniques whilst embedding learning, checking understanding and setting targets. Assessment is reguIarly used to gauge progress and feedback progress to parents.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Anglia Ruskin University2003BachelorsBA (Hons) Primary Education with ITT (First Class)
Victoria Kingsway College2001CollegeCELTA - Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults - Grade B
Anglia Ruskin Yniversity2003QTSInduction
Rating from 2 references


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