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Private Maths Tuition in Tonbridge

Specialising only in sixth form maths, I provide encouragement, challenge, and stretch to improve exam confidence. The aim is to convert content knowledge into processes and strategies for tackling the modern style of exam questions.

I enjoy working with all types of students who are looking for clear direction to improve their predicted grade. I can provide a different perspective for students struggling with the teaching at school.

I assist in University application preparation for interviews and tests, MBA, job application, and maths as a secondary subject at University. I am flexible in approach with intense support in a concentrated time or a longer series of structured sessions.

Tutoring Experience

I have successfully tutored 250 students in the West Kent area.

My experience as a management coach brings a professional approach to learning. I have been involved in the education sector as a governor and volunteer at three primary schools. I have a lot of experience tutoring Further Maths and the International Baccalaureate (IB) - both superb qualifications but they place great demands on the student who wants to do well!

Tutoring Approach

Students can improve their Maths results in different ways. Some readily grasp the concepts but need tips to make certain of the extra marks or to reduce errors. Others struggle to understand the basics so I provide an imaginative approach with new ways of tackling difficult topics. Most are in between and just need plenty of practice with a wide variety of questions! It's all about tailoring the learning to the student and focusing on exam techniques. I have much experience in Online tutoring (from before Covid times!) and will be happy returning to face to face tutoring when the current spike declines.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


London University1978BachelorsBSc Maths

Philip's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)2
Rating from 2 references


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