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I am 33 years old, a fully qualified teacher of Science for 6 years. Previously held Head of Biology position at a large comprehensive secondary school teaching all year groups 7-13. Currently teaching Biology in Grassington, North Yorkshire.

Before teaching, I graduated with distinction from University of Leeds with a Masters in Biodiversity and Conservation, following my 2:1 Hons BSc in Biology at Durham University - which included a direct Biology into Schools component. I am interested in environmental education and my previous job roles have been in this area - such as education officer at Blackpool Zoo and 5 years at Chester Zoo.

In job roles and as a tutor, I am frequently complimented on my ability to make learning accessible, engaging and fun. I pride myself on being approachable, friendly and able to tailor information for all ages and learning styles in a way that is fun and exciting.

Tutoring Experience

Fully qualified and current secondary teacher. Maths, Further Maths, Art and Biology at A-Level (Physics to AS). I have tutored one-on-one and group of maths and biology, chemistry and physics from KS1-KS4. I have worked with various SEN learners which has further improved my ability to teach all abilities and preferences.

Tutoring Approach

I like to work out which methods of teaching work best for each individual and develop tailored lessons and materials for reference. I often incorporate visual guides, past papers and practical tasks as these can often be missing from the classroom. I prefer to have an open and friendly relationship with my tutees which has always proved successful in the past.

The main focus: what do you want to achieve and how can that be exceeded?

I am confident that I will help you overcome any difficulties you are facing; having only recently completing my masters, I have experience of a range of examination formats and the successful study process for such.

As with all my previous students, there is no obligation to continue with hiring me after the first meeting, and I am happy to offer a discount for this as it is important to meet and discuss requirements initially.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Harrogate Grammar School2010SchoolA-Level: Biology (A);Maths(A*);Further Maths(B)
Durham University2013BachelorsBSc Biology
University of Leeds2015MastersMSc Biodiversity and Conservation
University of Leeds2019PGCESecondary Teacher

Philippa's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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