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Experienced senior leader in highly successful secondary school. I hold a master's degree in mathematics education. I have 20 years teaching experience. I taught Mathematics in Poland and last 18 years in the UK. In addition I have a certificate of teaching A level Mathematics which I gain in the UK. After completion of National Professional Qualification in Senior Leadership from National College for Teaching and Leadership I have led successful Mathematics Departments in Durham, Birmingham, London and now Essex.

Tutoring Experience

My teaching experienced includes 2 outstanding school, 3 good schools where I was judged as outstanding in my teaching observation. The Maths departments where achieving their best under my leadership. I have been a member of teaching and learning team in last 4 school and trained middle leaders on national programme for Senior Leaders. Currently I am Assitant Headteacher in highly successful school in Essex where I lead Maths Department and am part of Teaching and Learning Team. I tutor students privately (GCSE and A level). I have an experience of working with gifted and talented students. I teach GCSE, A level Pure Maths and Further Maths. I have a 100% pass rate 9 - 4 (GCSE) and A* - C (A level). For last 8 years I have been working for Edexcel as a specialist examiner in mathematics (marking GCSE, A level and iGCSE exams).
All my past tutees past their exam and surpassed their grades.

Tutoring Approach

My approach to teaching Maths always depends on the student. I tailor all work to the ability and age. I have the enthusiasm and commitment to create a stimulating and inspirational environment for my students in order to communicate to them my love for the subject I teach. Being a Maths teacher, it brings great satisfaction to impact on students progress. I enjoy working with students who are lacking confidence in Maths but also with students who are very able and want to develop further their understanding of Maths.

LanguagesPolish, English (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Adam Mickiewicz University2005MastersEducation
FMSP2018OtherCert in Teaching A level Maths
National College for Teaching and Leadership 2016ProfessionalNational Professional Qualification in Senior Leadership
Rating from 2 references


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