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Maths and Computer Studies / I.T. Teacher in Cheltenham

Hello, I am Rauli. I have worked 30+ years in IT field, and my special professional skill is implementing advanced mathematical and analytical algorithms. As a student I was in the national team for STEM olympiads, where I learned a lot of tricks how to make these things easier to understand. I am currently studying BSc Natural Sciences (Physics) at the OU - I am working with my mathematical skills on higher level constantly.

Tutoring Experience

Most of my tutoring was done during and just after my own school. Experience was good, because I managed to help students back to track again, and some even choose maths related careers like accounting and software development.

Tutoring Approach

Firstly it is to give back the confidence. I believe everyone can master school-level maths - but many fail because they lose the track and are never given chance to get back on it. School curriculum just moves on and students give up, quite often thinking that STEM subjects are something they are not able to do.

I break down the problematic topic to smaller pieces, separating detailed and general level, and going back to fundamentals when needed. I adapt my teaching to suit the student - for example some understand better with graphical explanations, others need more detailed algebraic practice. I always try to bring some real life examples, so the student can see that the maths is relevant.

I am available for additional support between sessions - the more often the student engages with the material, the better it will be understood and imprinted.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Estonian
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Tallinn University of Technology1996CollegeEngineering (Information Technology)
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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