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Online Maths and Music Teacher

I am a current University Student who takes a course doing Mathematics and Statistics. I also have succeeded in attaining a Grade 8 Certificate in Piano, and Grade 5 in Piano theory for the ABRSM course. I have a strong interest for Mathematics and for Music as it was the forefront of my childhood and will be happy to take on students willing to learn

Tutoring Experience

A few years of in person tutoring with younger students in person for maths and piano at a beginner level, but can teach up to a GCSE level.

Tutoring Approach

I prefer to understand the base knowledge level of the student in order to gauge where I can start them off with in terms of work that can be set to do together with me, and what work is able to be worked on within self study time. I also usually collate experiences of tutees and my peers in order to provide a way to learn that can positively impact the growth of their learning.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


ABRSM2019OtherGrade 8 Piano
Edexcel2023CollegeMathematics A Level
CIE2021SchoolMusic GCSE
ABRSM2018SchoolMusic Theory Grade 5
Rating from 2 references


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