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Online French and German Tutor

My name is Rita and I love teaching languages and helping others to discover the joys of Germany. My hobbies include having afternoon tea, watching international films, walking, travelling, cooking and reading. I enjoy tutoring as I like to personalise the learning and ensure that the learning is a very positive and rewarding experience.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught German and French for 29 years and have been a Head of Languages for 16 years. I also teach English up to GCSE and I now teach English as a Foreign Language to adults, too. I have been consistently judged to be outstanding by various ofsted inspectors and advisors throughout my teaching career. I have organised several school trips to Germany and France and I have lived and taught in Germany for 10 years, so I am very familiar with the cultural aspects of Germany. I am now the founder of my Yorschool and teach EFL online.
I am also a qualified English as a foreign language teacher and have a lot of experience in teaching English to a range of adults and children.

Tutoring Approach

I have tutored several students and I always have a good rapport with my learners, putting them ease and helping to boost or regain their confidence in learning a language. I understand that experiences at school can be quite haunting and negative, but I always aim to help my tutees to gain self confidence and enjoy learning a language.

LanguagesEnglish (British), German, French
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (daytime)
References Available On File


York2012ProfessionalSLE Teacher (specialist in education)
York1998PGCEMFL Teacher
Lancaster1986BachelorsBA Hons MFL
Rating from 2 references


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