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If you prefer to speak with an education advisor about a personalised tutor match, please call Varsity Tutors UK at 0203 962 1468, to connect with an education advisor.


I am very out-going and active person. I like to divide my time between my artistic practice, working with young people in educational settings and keeping active through running and sports like football and Tennis.

I enjoy visiting Art Galleries and Museums. I am an avid reader and am always eager to learn through academic study and more hands on practical methods.

Tutoring Experience

Marches School, Shropshire 2019

Within this role I have taken on greater teaching responsibilities and demands. Delivering a whole host of schemes of work across KS3, KS4 and KS5 I have been able to mould and adapt my lessons to the needs of the students, while also encouraging an increasing amount of student led learning where ideation is key to developing independence and comfort with ambiguity. Alongside formal teaching, I have developed my pastoral duties as a year seven form tutor.

Priory Community School, Bristol 2018

In this role I have taught KS3 and KS4 and delivered a range of schemes of work, each aimed at developing the critical and practical skills of the students framed against a specific art context. Within this role I have developed my professional skills in classroom management, and tutor group pastoral duties. Outside of lessons I ran the schools art club, where I encouraged self-directed learning in an informal setting. I also assisted in dyslexia intervention lessons where I worked with students to develop their literacy and comprehension skills.

Tutoring Approach

I am very patient and calm in my approach. I aim to work together with students in manner where they can begin to realise the work independently. I prefer a more collaborative rather than a transmissive approach.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Oswestry School2012SchoolGCSE: Art and Design (A*) Design Technology (A) English Literature (A) History (A) English Language (B) Biology (B) Chemistry (B) Spanish (C) Maths (C)
Oswestry School2014SchoolA Level: Art and Design (A*) English (B) History (B)
Shrewsbury College2015CollegeUAL art and design foundation level
University of the West of England2018BachelorsArt and Visual Culture
University of the West of England2019PGCESecondary Art and Design Education
Rating from 4 references


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