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Online French Tuition

My fascination with languages began at an early age, and developed into a keen interest in my school years, and later, a passionate career, as my journey laid out here will illustrate.

Now, I’m a highly motivated and dedicated teacher, and I use my personal creativity to great effect in engaging all of my students during class activities. I work conscientiously to foster a positive and safe learning environment underpinned by mutual respect and strong boundaries; a priority in my personal teaching style.

Having grown up and studied in France, I gained exciting and life-stretching experiences by visiting the United States, and later, the United Kingdom, where I have now been settled for five years. My travel and life experience enables me to enrich my language lessons with au-thentic cultural content.

Tutoring Experience

My teaching experience is extensive and multi-faceted. I have taught both inside and outside of classrooms and lecture theatres, in more informal settings, such as day camps, and one-to-one, in private tuition. I bring to this role a deeply holistic worldview and appreciation for culture and diversity, and I’m adept at applying this within a formal teaching environment in a fun, engaging, and highly motivational way. Furthermore, I have a deep understanding of learning styles and the cognitive processes that students draw upon as they journey towards proficiency, and many, to full fluency. I use a variety of approaches to ensure that all students of varying comprehension and skill levels are able to get the greatest benefit from their tuition and their own practice. I am also very keen to use ICT resources in my lessons and do so on a regular basis. I am adept with computers and find that the use of ICT materials in lessons is both interesting and informative for the students.

Tutoring Approach

My teaching style is relaxed and patient, but it is also stretching and tailored to each individual. I structure my teaching very much individual strengths in mind so that students thoroughly enjoy each class and whilst proactively encouraged, they are never overwhelmed, because I ensure that I’m in tune with the needs of each student at all times. I am very student-centred, and I teach flexibly according to the interests of each individual. For example, at the outset I seek to quickly understand the interests of my students, and I weave those into my teaching in order to deliver tuition that holds their interest and fully engages them. I may do this, for example, through the use of music, visual aids, or group and pair-work, social media, or other technology. I keep myself knowledgeable about current trends and fashion so that my teaching makes use of the contemporary in order to remain relevant to the student I am educating.

LanguagesFrench, German
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Université de Provence2010MastersFrench as a foreign language
Cumbria University2010QTSMFL
Université de Provence2008BachelorsEnglish
Department of Education2013OtherInduction

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