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Hi, I’m Rosa! My passion for singing has evolved through over a decade of unrivalled music education. I started my singing journey in choral settings, then slowly branching into the Opera world. I began my studies with the Glyndebourne Youth Opera, and then began to explore other genres such as Pop and Jazz, once I had a secure foundation to my technique and vocal health. Whilst studying Classical Voice at University, I spent most of my time singing in the University choirs, but I also fell in love with A Cappella singing, becoming the Musical Director for two of the UK’s leading collegiate A Cappella groups, and still spend my time arranging for various UK groups. Following some time working in Somerset, I moved to London last summer to pursue a Masters Degree in Jazz Vocal Performance at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. I am deeply passionate about singing, and strive to help my students unlock all vocal potential and create a safe, exciting, creative environment in my lessons.

Tutoring Experience

I have worked with singing and music students across all ages since 2018 and have seen stellar results in their progression as vocal performers. I have a vast knowledge of vocal genres from both my Classical Undergraduate and Jazz Postgraduate degrees. I have been taught by some of the most profound singing teachers in the country myself, and understand how vital it is to enjoy singing lessons. I also have extensive experience leading choirs and small vocal ensembles.

Tutoring Approach

Whether you want to learn to sing for fun, or if you are working towards exams, I believe that all singing lessons should be inspiring, enjoyable, and above all exciting. I wish to help inspiring students in a variety of genres, with my Conservatoire level knowledge in both Classical and Jazz performance. I have worked with singing students across all ages since 2018 and have seen stellar results in their progression as vocal performers. I place a strong emphasis on healthy vocal technique, and work to develop this along side the students creativity and passion for music.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Guildhall School of Music2024MastersVocal Jazz Performance
University of Bristol2022BachelorsMusic

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