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Online English and Biology Tuition

I'm Rosie - a teacher, researcher, and writer. I have studied and worked in teaching, humanitarian, environmental and creative fields for the past ten years. I love adding to and deepening my knowledge base, sharing knowledge with others, and helping learners to reach their goals.

Tutoring Experience

The first job I ever had was as a Teaching Assistant back in 2012 just after I had completed my full International Baccalaureate Diploma at an American International School.
Fast forward to the present day and I now have two degrees - one of them a Master's degree from a high-level UK university, a TEFL qualification, as well as a professional certificate in the media industry. Cumulatively, I have taught for approximately two and a half years online, in schools and at NGOs in United Arab Emirates, China and South Africa.

Tutoring Approach

I tailor lessons to suit each student's goals, experience levels with the subject matter, and unique learning style(s). I like to keep classes engaging and empowering.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Sussex2019MastersEnvironment, Development and Policy
Rhodes University2016BachelorsEnvironmental Science and Anthropology
AFDA2017ProfessionalHigher Certificate in Film, Television, and Live Entertainment
LearnTEFL2016ProfessionalTeaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
Rating from 2 references


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