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Online English (Foreign Language) Teacher

Native English speaker, born and brought up in London. I’m currently studying for my bachelors degree in History and Arabic. I love learning languages and I also love to teach!

Tutoring Experience

I have 3+ years experience in tutoring English and Maths for the 11+ admissions test.

Tutoring Approach

In our first meeting I will ask you why you are learning English, aswell as what goals you want to achieve in your given amount of time. This will enable me to understand whether you want to focus on speaking, reading, writing or all three.

For speaking, we will talk about a specific topic for each lesson which is where we will have a two way conversation. Along the way, you can sharpen your grammar and fluency. I can also help with achieving a fluent pronunciation.

For reading, I will ask you what type of texts you would like to read and given that it aligns with your language goals, I will ask you to read the text and test you on your comprehension on the text. If there are words or phrases you are stuck on, I will help you.

For writing, we can practice writing CV’s, creative writing, informative writing etc each session.

I like to give my students the floor to practice these skills when they are with me, which will enhance your independent practice. I am also open to setting students homework tasks.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Tolworth Girls school & sixth form2020CollegeA-levels
Rating from 2 references


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