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Online English and History Tutor

Hi! I'm Samantha!

Are you tired of dry, dull textbooks?

Do you want to inspire your child with a love for their schoolwork but see that the majority of history materials just aren't doing it?

I hear you.

Which is why I've developed my own materials, which teach history using classic children's books (think Anne of Green Gables and A Christmas Carol).

As an Oxford University graduate who went straight into a career in teaching, I know just how influential a great book can be on a young mind.

A love of reading was a big part of what inspired my own love of learning, and I have seen it inspire my students too.

This being so, I’m excited to draw back the curtain on the fictional worlds we love, whilst also learning to investigate history like a true historian!

Tutoring Experience

I have five years of teaching experience both online and in person as well as a BA in English Language and Literature from the University of Oxford.

Tutoring Approach

I teach history through popular children's books like Anne of Green Gables and A Christmas Carol. You can expect my courses to combine both the highest academic standards as well as a fun and engaging approach to the topics learned.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


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University of Oxford2017BachelorsEnglish Language and Literature
Cambridge Assessment2018ProfessionalCELTA
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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