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Ahmad Samim

Ahmad Samim

I am currently an FY2 Doctor working in London. I have over 200+ hours of 1-to-1 interview tutoring experience with the tutoring company Medic Mind, a very well-established medical school interview tutoring company. I was the highest rated tutor with over 70+ 5 star reviews.

Initially, when I first applied, I got 4 rejections - 2 pre-interview rejections and 2 post-interview. I then took a gap year and re-applied and got 4 offers from Sheffield, Bristol, Cardiff and Leeds. This included a mixture of panel and MMI interviews. Hence, I have a lot of experience being interviewed and that with the right guidance and support, you can achieve your place at medical school!

Academic Portfolio:
MBChB Medicine - University of Sheffield
MSc (Distinction) in Human Nutrition - University of Sheffield
A-levels - AAAa
GCSEs - 9A*s 3As

Tutoring Experience

I have over 200+ hours of tutoring experience in the interview process. I worked for Medic Mind, a very well-established tutoring company that specialises in 1-to-1 tutoring for medical interviews. I was the highest rated tutor with over 70+ 5 star reviews.

I also have experience being part of the panel/examiner marking students for Sheffield University medical interviews. I have knowledge in how students are marked in the interview process and can give tips and advice on how to come across well to help maximise your chance of getting into medical school.

Tutoring Approach

I am a very approachable, friendly and easy to speak to. My approach for medical interviews with my students is that I have a question bank of the most common interview questions and we tackle these one by one and create model answers. I often ask my student to try and prepare answers beforehand and then we practice them together. I then type up a model answer in bullet point format for the student to refer back to and try and improve themselves.

We then tackle questions in different sub-sections of the interview such as Medical Ethics, Personality, Skills, NHS etc. and try and create model answers with the approach above.

Following this, we then apply our knowledge and go into mock interviews which I can record and send back to students. I write feedback as we are going through the session and then we discuss this at the end.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Persian
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Wallington County Grammar School2015CollegeBiology - A, Chemistry - A, Economics - A, Maths (AS) - A
Wallington County Grammar School2013CollegeGCSEs - 9 A*s 3 AS

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Ahmad Samim
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