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I am a Science teacher and Head of Biology in a secondary school in London. I teach Biology, Chemistry and Physics at key stage 3 and 4 and Biology at A level. I have experience in teaching the syllabus for different exam boards including AQA, OCR and Edexcel. I help students develop their subject knowledge and learn all the key points for their course and tailor my teaching to suit individual needs. I work with students to develop their exam technique and my lessons include working through past paper exam questions to ensure they are prepared for their exams.

Tutoring Experience

I have a degree in Biology and QTS and have been teaching in secondary schools in London for over 12 years. I have a lot of experience in teaching GCSE and A level and can help prepare students for their exams by focusing on developing their subject knowledge and their exam technique.

Tutoring Approach

I have experience in teaching different exam boards including AQA, OCR and Edexcel. I help students develop their subject knowledge and learn all the key points for their course and tailor my teaching to suit individual needs. I am offering online tuition.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University of Nottingham2006BachelorsBiological sciences degree
GTC2010QTSTeaching qualification
Rating from 2 references


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