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English and English (Foreign Language) Lessons in Saltash

As a mother of three daughters whose ages range from teen to in their thirties, I have seen a number of changes in the curriculum in schools. I find English tutoring really rewarding as you get more out of students on a one-to-one basis than you might do in a classroom situation, which does not suit all learners.

To see a spark of interest in a student is the icing on the cake for me.

Tutoring Experience

I have worked as an English tutor for over a decade. I enjoy working with learners from primary age, right through to adult learners.

I have a vast experience of GCSE tuition as well as working with SEN learners.

I have also worked with TEFL learners.

Tutoring Approach

I try to find out the learning style of my tutee so that I can enable them to connect with the subject in the best way possible for them.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available Not On File


College of St Mark and St John2005BachelorsEnglish Literature with ICT
Cornwall College2007PGCEEnglish