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Enthusiastic, confident, consistent and very reliable person. Well travelled to diverse countries and enjoys immersing in a range of different cultures. Very energetic and passionate about team sports. Able to play basketball, netball and football. Been involved with many clubs and enjoy working as part of a team. Interests are in exercise and feels that it is essential to make activity part of every day life.

Tutoring Experience

Twelve years teaching experience in a range of mainstream and SEN schools. Subject specialism is in Maths and have experienced teaching up to GCSE level. Experienced teaching students with EAL and have had the opportunity to teach in an international school in Bangkok, Thailand teaching the British National Curriculum for two academic years.

Tutoring Approach

Adaptable tutoring style to suit the learning needs of the student. Fun, engaging and passionate about supporting students in their learning. Spends time to get to know students and build up a positive relationship with them while tutoring them to a standard that the student is capable of reaching.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


I to I2007OtherTEFL
St. Martin's College2005QTSQTS (BA Hons)

Sarah's Feedback

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