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Online Tuition for Maths and English

Sean is an SEN teacher and private tutor, specialising in working with students who have ASD, ADHD, PDA and dyslexia - or those with similar needs. He is the founder or, which aims to research and deliver education in a way that is based around neurodiverse experience.

Tutoring Experience

Over a decade's experience tutoring English, maths, creative writing, 11+ and primary.
2 year's classroom experience, teaching in specialist provisions for children with autism and ADHD.
Former education policy maker.
Mentoring experience around school refusal and homeschooling.

Tutoring Approach

I offering subject tuition which is centred around students' needs. Often this means careful structure to lessons, discussions of learning objectives throughout, a variety of learning methods, and always clear and precise instructions. Through my teaching I try and help young people learn strategies for improving their learning and social skills across the board. I also offer targeted coaching to help students overcome the challenges and harness the strengths of their neurodiversity.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University of Oxford2015BachelorsBA Philosophy, Politics & Economics
The Latymer School2010SchoolA-Level (History, French, Politics, Maths)
University of St Andrews (graduate in September)2018MastersMFA in Creative Writing
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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