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Private Maths and English Tuition in Chelmsford

An IT professional with a passion for teaching. English, Maths, Physics, IT & Testing language are my subjects I want to teach and help both young and adult students.

Being an engineer I have got a strong foundation and clear concepts in Maths and Physics.

Having worked in IT industry for more than 20 years I have lots to share in terms of software development, testing, various delivery methodologies and project management.

Tutoring Experience

An Engineer by qualification, 20+ years of experience in software development and testing is major banks. Have various qualifications, awards and professional certifications in IT, Banking and management. Proven experience in teaching.

Tutoring Approach

I like to understand my students' needs, their particular strengths and areas for improvement. I teach the topic in the best possible way to match their learning needs. The key is for them to understand the topic by linking to something which they previously know. This creates a connection in their brain to help them remember and understand the concept long-term. I believe that a clear understanding of theory should be followed up with a range of examination style questions to test if the student has truly understood the work.

I do not go for loaded sessions. I try my best to make my lessons pleasant and conducted in an environment where grasping is easy quick that also results in long retention of the skills or knowledge acquired.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


NIT Durgapur1998BachelorsMechanical Engineer, IT Manager
SAID Business School, Oxford University2019ProfessionalOxford Fintech
Rating from 2 references


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