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Private Maths and English Tuition in Wandsworth

I am a qualified, primary school teacher and I have been teaching for five years in South West London. I love to watch children grow in confidence as they master new skills and flourish as individuals.
Outside of teaching I love exploring in nature, travelling and relaxing with friends and family.

Tutoring Experience

I have experience teaching across Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. I have a particular passion for the teaching of phonics and early reading development. Whilst I have been teaching in mainstream education, I have experience teaching children with a wide range of special educational needs.

Tutoring Approach

I believe that in order for teaching to be successful, it is important to ensure that children are happy and ready to learn. Learning should be interactive, memorable and fun! I like to use physical resources to engage children and help them to learn. I believe it is important to provide children with a variety of strategies as what works for one learner, may not work for another.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Roehampton University2018PGCEPrimary Education with QTS
Oxford Brookes University2015BachelorsEducation and Sociology
Downe House School2011SchoolA Levels: B, B, C AS Levels: A, A, B, C
Downe House School2009SchoolGCSE's: 5A's, 3B's, 1C
Rating from 2 references


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