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Online Tuition for Maths and Physics

I am a passionate Physics teacher who trained as an Aerospace Engineer who found joy in teaching young people.

I am known for my constant smile and ability to put students of any age at ease.

An enthusiastic traveller who’s lived in many countries abroad and taught English as a foreign language for several years to all age groups.

A lover of the outdoors, I currently manage Duke of Edinburgh in mu current workplace.

Tutoring Experience

Currently a Science teacher at an Independent School in Warwickshire. 11+/KS3/GCSE/iGCSE/A-Levels

PGCE in secondary Physics teaching from the University of Oxford, where I had the opportunity to work in 3 local schools.

3 year teaching English as a foreign language to all age groups and all levels including business English with a vast experience of online dynamic online teaching - thanks to Covid. I am a trained Cambridge speaking examiner.

Tutoring Approach

Dynamic, student-centred teaching style that focuses on progressively building and consolidating understanding through practise in the written and spoken form. If a student can articulate the content, I firmly believe they develop a deeper understanding of said content.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Bristol2018BachelorsBEng Engineering Design specialised in Aerospace
University of Oxford2022PGCEPGCE Secondary Science (Physics)
Study Space Thessaloniki2018CollegeCELTA (Grade A)
Rating from 2 references


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