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I'm married with four children, at various stages of education from secondary to university. I love languages and I love teaching. So teaching languages is my ideal occupation. I'm half German and we lived in France for a year, so those two languages are fluent. Spanish and Italian are intermediate and Dutch is only beginners.

Tutoring Experience

I've been teaching languages for fourteen years now, since moving back to the UK from France. I'm an associate lecturer in French with the OU, a tutor of French, German, Spanish, Italian and Dutch with Aspire Sussex Adult & Community Learning, a French A Level teacher at BHASVIC sixth form college in Brighton and a freelance languages tutor, currently doing a lot of A Level and GCSE French and German. I've taught in secondary schools, private colleges and I teach business language courses, notably for The Body Shop International.

Tutoring Approach

All of my courses are tailored to the needs of the student(s). I favour a communicative approach, which means that there's a lot of conversation and learning by using the language in realistic situations. If required, I can teach a very grammatically-based course, but most students prefer me to teach grammar secretly, so they don't really notice they're doing grammar!
The key is that learning a language is great fun, engaging and a reward in itself.

LanguagesEnglish (British), French, German, Italian, Latin, Spanish
AvailabilityWeekdays (daytime)
References Available On File


The Open University2011MastersMasters in Education, specialising in Applied Linguistics, currently being studied with The Open University
The Open University2008BachelorsBA Hons in Modern Language Studies (French & German) with distinction from The Open University
Perse, Cambridge1981CollegeA Levels in French (A) & German (A)
Perse, Cambridge1979SchoolO Levels (remember them?) in French (A), German (A) and Latin (A)

Steve's Feedback

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