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Online English and Physics Teacher

Throughout my years of working in a classroom, I have loved every second of my job! In July 2024, I “hung up” my classroom teaching hat for a while, having made the decision to look after my one-year-old son. However, teaching remains a passion of mine and I would love to be able to have the best of both worlds: to raise my son and support students through their studies. I have a plethora of “tips and tricks” - particularly for students in KS2 - to help them to succeed and have been told by staff and students alike that I am a energetic, engaging and empathic teacher. I have a deep love of reading - something that I have used to engage the children that I have taught - and am a big advocate for encouraging reading both at home and in the classroom. Finally, I am known to bake an incredible lemon cake!

Tutoring Experience

Education has always been my passion. I first embarked on my journey to becoming a teacher by working in a Secondary School as a Learning Mentor and Year 7 Tutor. I loved being able to support the students moving from KS2 to KS3, as well as seeing children who had additional learning difficulties to succeed! After three years, I decided to explore Primary School education, where I joined as a Teaching Assistant, running intervention groups for children SEND. From this role, I became a trainee teacher, gaining my QTS in 2019. I have primarily taught across KS2. I became a Year Leader in Year 6 and thus have a sound understanding of both the SATs and 11+ examinations, as well as the Year 5 and 6 curriculum.

Tutoring Approach

I believe that in order for students to succeed, they need to have fun. Therefore, I make it my mission to make my lessons as engaging and enjoyable as possible - I love a learning song! I pride myself on putting the student and their needs at the heart of what I do, understanding that no two learners are the same and adapting my teaching practise to suit the needs of the child.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Bourton Meadow Academy2019QTSQualified Teacher Status (QTS)
The Open University2018BachelorsHumanities (BA Hons)
Rating from 2 references


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