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I retired from full teaching in London in July 2017. Currently I pursue independent research in Roman history. I am married and have two adult daughters, two labradors and one moggie.

Tutoring Experience

20 years Head of Classics at Queens Gate School, teaching Years 7 through 13. Taught Classics to over 20 successful Oxbridge candidates from a small cadre of classicists.
Previously tutored privately in London for 5 years in Classics, History and English.
Taught in private school and at university level in the US for ten years prior to coming to the UK in 1993.

Tutoring Approach

While I am keenly interested in the subjects I teach, my focus as a teacher and tutor has always been on the individual/s with whom I am working. I begin from the student's needs and help her or him to advance at a pace and in a manner that is challenging but not daunting. I expect my students to engage with me and the subjects we are studying in an open and honest manner, and I have always found that students respond best when the highest standards are expected of them.

LanguagesEnglish (American)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


SUNY at Buffalo1992DoctoratePhD in Classics
SUNY at Buffalo1988MastersComparative Literature

Terry's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 4 references


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