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Maths and English Tutoring in Yarm

I am a positive individual who encourages intrinsic motivation and building children's confidence. I create a risk free and safe environment that encourages learners to ask questions and develop curiosity. You want children to feel success.
Hobbies: Travel, baking, reading, nature and spending time with the ones I love.

Tutoring Experience

Over 10 years teaching experience working in schools across the U.K. and abroad.

Tutoring Approach

I have a calm and relaxed approach. I look at what the leaner already knows and build onto their knowledge from there. I encourage confidence and develop the learners intrinsic motivation so they successfully tackle challenges independently without being forced. I also help learners bounce back when they may not be successful on their first attempt. It's all about confidence and having a go without fear of failure.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Cape peninsula Unoversity of technology2011BachelorsBachelor of education
Rating from 2 references


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