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Online Maths and English Tutoring

Hi! I am entering my second year of my degree in Film & Visual Culture and Psychology with the hope of going into teaching following my degree. As someone who has received tutoring themselves, I totally understand how frustrating it can be to feel like you need the extra help but I also know just how beneficial that help can be! :)

Tutoring Experience

I have completed a variety of short-term work experience placements in the education sector. These ranged from working as a science technician to working as an SEN teaching assistant to working as a HLTA for maths. As a result, I have great knowledge of educating others having worked closely with many fantastic teachers. I have also tutored previously, helping one student go from a grade 2 in GCSE maths to a grade 4 in just a few months.

Tutoring Approach

I believe that understanding the "basics" can often be much more difficult than the content later on in the course. I would rather spend 3 weeks making sure you knew what a prime number was than rushing through it as you would then not understand simplifying fractions, HCF + LCM and other topics that rely on this knowledge. I also believe being comfortable enough to ask questions (without the fear of judgement) is the key to a successful student/tutor partnership!

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Workington Academy2020CollegeMaths
Workington Academy2020CollegeChemistry
Workington Academy2020CollegeMedia
Rating from 2 references


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