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After leaving school, I studied at Nottingham University for a BA in Music, then for a MA in Theology from the London School of Theology. Having worked for a while at an inner-city secondary school, I went on to complete a research masters and a PhD in Biblical Studies, whilst working as a teaching affiliate at Nottingham University. I now work as a pastor whilst continuing my academic work. My own interests are principally in theology, philosophy and politics, but also the arts, culture and social work. I am married, have five children, and am a keen football fan (Manchester United).

Tutoring Experience

I have experience teaching both at secondary school (Religious Studies) and at a number of different Universities (Theology and Biblical Studies). I have also worked as a private tutor for well over a decade.

Tutoring Approach

Education is about more than being able to pass exams, although this is obviously important! I have worked hard for my qualifications and belive in disciplined, productive study; however for some students getting the highest possible grade is not necessarily the most important thing. Each person is an individual with different strengths and weaknesses, so I try to structure how I teach around individual needs and goals. When teaching I also believe that giving people self confidence, an ability to think critically and an enjoyment of the subject is an important part of helping them to improve.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Nottingham2017DoctorateNew Testament
University of Nottingham2014MastersMRes Theology
London School of Theology2012MastersMA Biblical Interpretation
University of Nottingham2009BachelorsMusic

Tim's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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