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Online French and Italian Lessons

My name is Toni. I love languages and enjoy teaching them.
I was lucky enough to Removed born in France from Italian parents, therefore I have travelled in Europe teaching both French and Italian.
I am in Scotland now ready to help you in learning and enjoying these wonderful languages.
A bientot

Tutoring Experience

I have started working as a French drama teacher with the French embassy in Rome, 15 years ago.
I then continued to work as a foreign language tutor with various language schools and Institutes in Italy, before moving to UK in 2008.
Here I have taught languages in primary schools, colleges (Adults evening classes) and privately. I am currently working with the Adult Education Programme of Edinburgh Council

Tutoring Approach

I like to prepare my lessons in advanced in order to fulfil my student’s needs according to their learning style, interests and expectations.

LanguagesFrench, Italian
AvailabilityWeekdays (daytime)
References Available On File


Itchen college (Southampton)2011CollegeCTLLS (Certificate in Teaching in Lifelong Learning sector )
Itchen college (Southampton)2010CollegePTLLS (Preparing in Teaching in Lifelong Learning sector)
Université de savoie (France)1994OtherBA (French degree in history)

Tonino's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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