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Home Tuition for Maths and Combined Science in Sheffield

Hi, I have 8 years of experience with working on Geographical Information Systems as a GIS Analyst and Cartographer. I did my masters and degree in Geography as major and would love to pass on my knowledge to the students.

I have a great passion for the subject and I love to teach others about the fascinating fields of study covered within Geography. I try to work at the level of student and then built his or her knowledge base with fun and engaging tasks, which allow them to improve their skills and understanding.

If you have specific requirements, just let me know and we can work on them together. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Tutoring Experience

I have 8 years of experience in giving tuitions for the subjects like Geography, History, and Maths (primary).

Tutoring Approach

I try to find out the way through which I can teach the students in an effective manner and as every student is different, I try to teach them accordingly. According to me, every student is intelligent, we just need to divert their energy in studies.

AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Sheffield Hallam University, UK2017MastersMBA
Kurukshetra University, Indian2013MastersM.Sc. Geography
Delhi University, India2007BachelorsBA (Hons) Geography
Rating from 2 references


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