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Online Maths and Chemistry Tutoring

Hello! My name is Vasilisa, I am a recent biochemistry graduate from UCL, interested in tutoring chemistry, biology and maths.
My degree provided me not only with a solid background in biochemistry, but also made me interested in science communication, which is why I am eager to be a tutor. I enjoyed science all the way through school and was lucky with attentive teachers who took the time to explain difficult concepts well, and I want. to do the same for others.
In my future, I am interested in pursuing research in the biochemistry/biotechnology field, as well as exploring science communication roles further. In my free time I enjoy lots of different hobbies, such as reading, knitting, yoga and brewing kombucha.

Tutoring Experience

I have previously tutored students in Art & Design for GCSE and A level for around 6 months. Through one-on-one sessions, I learned how to best support the students, by providing a tailored approach. I was able to adapt to the students' learning styles and needs, so we could make the best use of the time we had together. As Art&Design has a looser curriculum than science subjects, I used a combination of art history lectures, writing exercises, brainstorming sessions and practical art demonstrations to make the lessons interactive and engaging.

Tutoring Approach

Being able to explain complex ideas in a concise way and provide memorable examples are the most important aspects of retaining information at any education level. I am confident in my abilities to describe topics in biology, provide clear diagrams and present information in a logical way. As described above, I want the lessons to be interactive and engaging. To achieve this, not only will I be explaining the information required for exams, but also providing practical examples of how these science topics connect to the real world.

References Available On File


University College London2024BachelorsBSc Biochemistry (Molecular Biology)
Rating from 2 references


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