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Private Online Maths and English Tutor

My name is Victoria and I am a qualified Primary Teacher based in York.
I am also a musician, I play trombone and piano and have two cats back at my Derbyshire home.
I am a hardworking, kind, caring, and dedicated individual who always puts other people’s happiness at the heart of my ideas. I would say that creative planning and organisation have proved to be my strongest assets!

Tutoring Experience

Qualified Teacher with enhanced DBS.
I have worked in contrasting areas, with children in both deprived socio-economic conditions, inner-city schools and in an affluent rural community.
KS1 and KS2- all subjects across the primary curriculum!
Experience as a Music Subject Lead
Lots of resources ready to go!

Tutoring Approach

I take a nurturing holistic approach based on respect, cooperation and honesty.

I believe that each child is entitled to access quality education that is varied and shapes them as an individual.
Lastly, I am committed to equality and ensure that planning is inclusive, catering to individualistic learning needs whilst not putting a ceiling on their achievements.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Royal Birmingham Conservatoire2021BachelorsBMus Hons
York St John University2022PGCEPGCE in Primary Education with QTS
York St John University2022QTSPrimary Education
Rating from 2 references


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