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Online History Lessons

'If the lion doesn't tell his story, the hunter will'. Hi, I'm Vikash, a passionate historian. I also offer an exam paper marking service for both GCSE and A Level. Have your essays marked or an entire exam paper with detailed feedback and a grade. Please enquire for prices.
I enjoy a variety of periods, whether its Medieval to Modern, or from Britain to the rest of the world, I am fascinated with the study of peoples, communities, and the the impacts of economies politics and religion. I firmly believe with the right direction that all students studying history can be successful and I'm proud to be a part of that journey with my students.

Tutoring Experience

  1. Currently head of department, formerly an assistant principal. 15 years teaching and tutoring experience.
  2. I specialise in several modules across AQA/Edexcel/OCR at both GCSE and A Level
  3. I have marked for the exam boards for both GCSE and A Level spanning my career and both in the last 2 years.
  4. I have developed bespoke tutoring modules for revision/skills/exam focused sessions

Tutoring Approach

  1. I have strong subject knowledge and I can guide and question students to ensure they have a good grasp of the events and concepts studied.
  2. I have a variety of activities, from tables, Venn diagrams, mind maps or discursive to ensure all learning styles can be considered. This can be discussed and tailored to individual needs.
  3. I have developed bespoke tutoring modules for revision/skills/exam focused sessions
  4. To review and follow up written work with effective feedback and actions points.
LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University of Nottingham2008BachelorsBA(HONS) History
University of Leicester2009PGCEQualified Teacher Status
Ambition Institute2016OtherNPQML
Chartered College2023OtherFCCT

Vikash's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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