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I am a native Cantonese speaker originally from Hong Kong. I speak fluent English as I have lived and studied in both England and Canada. I hold a Diploma in Legal Studies awarded by the University of Hong Kong in 2004. I am an experienced Educator, a qualified teaching assistant and a qualified Child Development Officer. I have extensive experience working with children and young people across various age groups. I am currently working full time as a Child Development Officer in an Early Years Centre. I have previously worked in a primary school in Glasgow. I enjoy teaching as it is a very rewarding career.

Tutoring Experience

I have been tutoring for a few years now, I am currently tutoring adults, young people as well as primary school aged children. I work full time as a Child Development Officer for a local authority. I previously worked as a Teaching Assistant in a primary school in Glasgow. I love teaching and enjoy all aspects of my job every single day!

Tutoring Approach

I am a keen educator and I love teaching. I believe language is a communication tool. If you want to fully understand the culture, you need to understand the language first.

Cantonese and written traditional Chinese may seem a little daunting for some. However, nothing is impossible if you learn it the right way. By learning incrementally will allow you to grow exponentially. To achieve success in whatever you want to learn, you will a need a good teacher. I can show you the fundamentals of Chinese stroke orders. My lessons can be customised to suit individual's needs.

AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


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The University of Hong Kong2004CollegeDiploma in Legal Studies by The University of Hong Kong

Yuen's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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