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Home Tuition for Maths and Physics in Sunbury-on-Thames

A senior research scientist in a national laboratory in London. Obtained PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Southampton with a full scholarship in 2007. Author of more than twenty top journal papers. Hold both physics and music education degrees. Mentoring students in different levels, including BSc, MSc, PhD students.

Tutoring Experience

Physics and Math:
Although these are two different subjects, fundamentally, there are a lot of connections. I obtained my BSc in Physics Education in 2001 and worked as a secondary school teacher for a short period. After this, I pursued higher education and obtained a PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Southampton with a full scholarship. During this time, I also taught foundation courses and taught students privately. Since I completed PhD, I then worked as a scientist in a national laboratory in London. My teaching is then extended to BSc, MSc and PhD students. I am not only teaching knowledge but also developing students with skills to write essays and thesis, present and defend their ideas, etc.

I have studied piano since the age of five and won many competitions when I was young. Then I moved on with singing and obtained a Music Education diploma from Xinghai Conservatory. Although I didn’t pursue music as my main career, it is always something I enjoy doing. After I completed the diploma, I also studied singing with Professor Keith Davis at the University of Southampton. Now I teach students with vocal skills, piano, music theory, aural, and sight reading and prepare them for exams, auditions and competitions, resulting in offers of places in major music schools (RCM, Purcell and Yehudi).

Tutoring Approach

adaptive to the student's need
setup right target and expectation

LanguagesChinese, English (British), Cantonese
AvailabilityWeekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University of Southampton2007DoctoratePhD
Xinghai Conservatory of Music2002CollegeDiploma
South China Normal University2001BachelorsBSc
Rating from 2 references


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