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Maths and Physics Tutoring in Hounslow

Hello there!

I'm currently a Second year Undergraduate at Cambridge studying Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology.

During my A-Levels I studied Maths, Chemistry, Physics and Latin achieving 4A*. At GCSE I got eleven 9s and two 8s. (Including Core, RS, Further Maths, Latin, Greek, Art, DT, French)

Please note that for A-Level Maths I specialise in Pure and Mechanics.
I can tutor GCSE Further Mathematics in addition to regular Maths.
Will offer a free 30min Trial Lesson.

Tutoring Experience

During my time at Secondary School, I gained a lot of experience (Close to 50 Hours) tutoring peers in lower year groups and helping to overcome any academic problems which they may have been facing. I helped students across a range of levels from KS3 all the way to A-Level.

Maths Prefect during Years 12-13
Physics Prefect during Years 12-13
Classics (Latin and Greek) Prefect during Years 10-13

Tutoring Approach

Overall I'm extremely familiar with how to excel within an exam environment to achieve those top grades. I'm a passionate and patient tutor, since I know that sometimes students may struggle to understand a concept in one particular way but when presented in an alternative way, the information may be digested much more easily. I'm also able to meet the needs of the individual by varying the style of the lesson to however they wish/works best for them whether that be going through the concepts thoroughly or diving straight into challenging past paper questions.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


A-Level; Tiffin School; A*2023SchoolMathematics
A-Level; Tiffin School; A*2023SchoolChemistry
A-Level; Tiffin School; A*2023SchoolPhysics
A-Level; Tiffin School; A*2023SchoolLatin
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
Click here for more Latin tutors