Blog Posts tagged R

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English spelling – the craziest system in the world!

by Sara

For many students that study English as a second language, the majority will agree that learning to pronounce and spell in English can be a nightmare! Although English verbs are simple in comparison to most languages; with the subjugation changing only in the 3rd person ("he sees, she sees") and wit...

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Help with essay writing

by Sara

We receive hundreds of requests from students asking for help with essay writing because it is such an important aspect of many academic subjects.

An essay has been defined in a variety of ways. One definition is a "prose composition with a focused subject of discussion" or a "long, systematic disc...

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Finding a place to study

by Sara

Finding a place to study is a matter of personal taste. Your learning effectiveness declines every time your concentration is interrupted during study. Most students prefer a quiet area away from other people, television or music centres. On the other hand maybe you have learned to study with backgr...

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Why study History?

by Sara

Good question that can be answered by many ancient historians, although many critics would say it all happened a long time ago so why rake up the past? Others would perhaps say who cares about the past I'm too busy living my own life!

The Spanish philosopher George Santayana quoted "Those who canno...

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Resits - Making the decision

by Sara

Without venturing into a debate of whether exam resits are a good idea or not, the fact is, students who do have the opportunity to take resits will have to make their decision quite quickly. Many students may have fallen sick at exam time or simply could not cope with the stress at the end of the y...

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