Blog Posts tagged R

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Test 3. Common entrance exams, 11+,13+

by Sara

Here is test number 3 for the common entrance exams, questions courtesy of Galore Park for the ISEB board.

Calculate: (courtesy of Galore Park)

(29 + 413)²

√ 11.45

³√ 1.65

7 ½ divided by 2 ¾, leaving your answer as a fraction.

Calculate: (courtesy of Galore Park)

(a) the area of a circle whic...

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Record high for A-Level students - Congratulations!

by Sara

Susan from Leicester has just e-mailed us this morning with the good news! "Please let tutor Ian know that Mollie got a B in her Maths A- level exam and says she couldn't have done it without him!

Teenage students have scored yet again another record-breaking year of A-level results, with one in ...

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Summer feedback from familes

by Sara

Traditionally, academic tuition during the summer period hits a low but we have still been busy helping families find private tutors for the new term. We are delighted to publish recent summer feedback from families and students. :)

Gillian from West Sussex: "I found the website very easy to use. T...

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Signs that may indicate your child needs a private tutor

by Sara

Many children who are struggling at school will suffer in silence, consequently their parents are unaware of their child's needs. Keeping a close eye on your child's reactions and behaviour can be the best way to monitor possible underlying problems with school work. Below are a few key signs that m...

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Test 2. Common entrance exams,11+/13+

by Sara

Here is our second test for you to practice for the common entrance exams. Questions by courtesy of Galore Park for the ISEB board.

At a funfair there was a stall where people could roll a die. (courtesy of Galore Park)


£1 to enter

Choose your own die

Roll a six and win £6

Tim tho...

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