Blog Posts tagged R

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First Tutors Struck by Lightning - Literally!

by Sara

Many of our users will have noticed that our website was down during Sunday evening and most of Monday too. We would like to apologise for the inconveniences caused but regrettably the issues where out of our control. One of Amazon's cloud transformers located in Dublin was struck by lightning on Su...

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Scotland's 2011 exam results. Congratulations to Scottish students!

by Sara

First Tutors would like to congratulate the young Scottish students who have received their much awaited exam results. Well done!

Today, Education Secretary Mike Russell praised the hard work and achievement of young people across Scotland. Although the number of young people sitting exams has fall...

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Common entrance exams: Maths - Test yourself!

by Sara

Entrance exams, 11 +, 13 is the time to start warming your children to practise tests for their next step into BIG school!

In preparation for common entrance exams and by courtesy of Galore Park Mathematics revision guides for the ISEB board, we will be regularly posting tests for your ...

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Hooray! Exams are over!

by Sara

Hooray! Exams are over! Now is the time to de-stress, chill out, sleep and enjoy the summer. Much has been written about pre-exam anxiety, lack of sleep and high stress levels during the exam period, but few think about the after effects of those symptoms.

You will have been slouching over books, s...

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Creative writing, talent or skill?

by Sara

Writing of any sort is not easy but perhaps creative writing is the hardest of all. Creative writing falls into the fiction/non-fiction or poetry categories, but essentially it's purpose is to express thoughts, feelings and emotions, rather than to simply convey information. Perhaps you have noticed...

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